Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Semester 1, Week 07: The Bible

Christians have always revered the word of God, but we didn't always have it in the form we enjoy today - the Holy Bible. This class traces the events that led to the Bible in its final canonized form. We focus on the dates of the books, the languages involved, and why the Church had to begin the process of canonization. We end by briefly addressing some common objections to the authenticity of our sacred scriptures.

Teacher's Guide

Lecture Recording (1:24:47; 78 MB)

Additional Resources
Dates of the Books of the Bible
British Library Sacred Texts
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts of manuscripts
Codex Sinaiticus Sinaiticus images, translations, etc
The Development of the Canon of the New Testament resource, especially the "Cross Reference Table: Writings and Authorities"
"How We Got The Bible" by Neil Lightfoot excellent book detailing the development of the Bible.
"The Story of The Bible" by Larry Stone great book detailing the development of the Bible. This one includes pull-out copies of famous manuscripts.