Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Semester 1, Week 08: Augustine

St. Augustine of Hippo was a singular figure who stood in the gap between a dying Classical world and what would come to be called the Middle Ages. His thinking would help shape the Christian world for the next 1000 years, yet is still as vital and controversial today as ever.

He will help advance our thinking about the nature of church and salvation. He is equally celebrated by Protestants and Catholics. But his impact doesn’t stop at spirituality – it will extend into psychology and philosophy

St. Augustine may be considered the first Modern thinker. Much of Western civilization’s conception of self will be informed by him. His life is captured for us in an autobiography that pulls no punches. He sees in himself the great battle that all humanity contends with.

This lesson will be split into two segments. The first part will look at his life – the major events that helped form him. The second will look at the Theological positions he held. Looking at his life first will make clearer the positions he later took on doctrinal issues and in his writings. Remember: theology is biography.

Lesson Notes

White Board

Lecture Recording (1:12:38; 66.5 MB)

Additional Resources
Augustine of Hippo: A LifeClick HereGreat short biography
The Confessions of Saint AugustineClick HereGreat autobiography